Industrial designs are what make an article attractive and appealing; hence, they add to the commercial value of a product and increase
its marketability. When an industrial design is protected, the owner – the person or entity that has registered the design – is assured an exclusive
right and protection against unauthorized copying or imitation of the design by third parties. This helps to ensure a fair return on investment. An effective
system of protection also benefits consumers and the public at large, by promoting fair competition and honest trade practices, encouraging creativity and promoting more aesthetically pleasing products. Protecting industrial designs helps to promote economic development by encouraging creativity in the industrial and manufacturing
sectors, as well as in traditional arts and crafts. Designs contribute to the expansion of commercial activity and the export of
national products. Industrial designs can be relatively simple and inexpensive to develop and protect. They are reasonably accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises as well as to individual artists and craftsmakers, in both developed and developing countries.