Tips from Centra Lawyers

What is Criminal Rehabilitation?

In general, temporary residents and applicants applying for permanent residence are considered to be criminally inadmissible if the person:

  • was convicted of an offence in Canada;
  • was convicted of an offence outside of Canada that is considered a crime in Canada; or
  • committed an act outside of Canada that is considered a crime under the laws of the country where it occurred and would be punishable under Canadian law.

If you are inadmissible to Canada, you can apply for Rehabilitation, which will make you admissible to Canada after approved. It must be used with a visa or otherwise valid immigration document/status.

You can apply for rehabilitation if at least five years have passed since you finished your criminal sentence.

If less than five years has passed, you can fill out the form and check “For Information Only.” An officer will decide if you can get special permission to come to Canada temporarily.



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