Tips from Centra Lawyers

Do I buy shares or the business assets?

This question must always be considered, and a decision should be made after consultation with your lawyer and accountant. There is an adage that states that purchasers’ prefer to buy assets and vendors’ prefer to sell shares. To see how this applies to your transaction, speak to our commercial lawyers.



Partner – Barrister, Solicitor & Family Mediator

Partner – Barrister, Solicitor, Notary & Trademark Agent

Partner – Solicitor and Notary

Partner – Barrister

Partner – Barrister, Solicitor & Notary

Associate Lawyer

Associate Lawyer

Associate Lawyer

Legal Assistants


Legal Assistant

Legal Assistant

Human Resources

Legal Assistant

Legal Assistant

Legal Assistant

Legal Assistant

Legal Assistant

Firm Bookkeeper

Firm Accountant

Client Management / Reception